Assuming that your PID is 1234, in order to kill it you can execute: taskkill -pid 1234 /f You will be able to detect the process that is engaging your Port. In the following example we make a filter on port 8080: netstat -ano | find '8080' You can use netstat to get network information for all processes. Here is how to check which process binds a TCP Socket on port 8080: $ fuser -v -n tcp 8080 Tcp 0 0* LISTEN 22005/javaĪnother powerful tool is fuser which can check the processes using TCP/UDP sockets. In most Linux distributions you can use the following command to find PID-Process Name information for one user: $ netstat -tulpn | grep 8080 The following section will list all the ports open by each application server version: Ports used by WildFly / EAP 7 The Ports number used by JBoss / WildFly are quite different, depending on the version of the application server you are using.
In the unfortunate circumstance that jboss is not active then there’s a process which has stolen some of JBoss default ports. Verify from the Windows Task Manager or (Unix User) with a ps -ef that you don’t have any JBoss server running. The most likely option is that you have still one instance of JBoss running, maybe because of an unclean shutdown. Have you got “ : Address already in use: JVM_Bind” when you start JBoss ? Here’s how to solve it.